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Over 10 thousand system users!
Over 15 million export shipment per month!
Shipments can be sent to 50 countries including Japan, Korea, Malaysia, and the U.S.A!
Over 200,000 supply chain companies linked to our system!
Chinese import agent,
With THECKB,you can rest assured
Regular holiday
Major business partners
Major Partners/API Collaborating Companies
/THE CKB is a B2B/B2C supply chain platform operated by SNIFFGROUP, a large Japan-China trading company, which provides B2B/B2C for Japanese EC sellers.
Utilizing big data to achieve personalization effects according to store merchandise, unit prices, and trends.
Utilizing blockchain technology, we have made the entire process transparent, from product purchase to delivery.
Using AI robots, even overseas direct delivery can be achieved within 48 hours.
What kind of company is the SNIFF GROUP that operates THE CKB?
We will explain the service of THE CKB that solves the problem of the import business in the video.
Peer lowest price
We provide services related to product procurement such as purchasing, OEM, and ODM. We offer a wide range of services to meet the needs of our customers.
Superior quality
We provide services related to quality control such as product inspection and repair. We provide total support from arrival to shipment based on customer requests or Japanese quality standards.
fastest shipping
We provide services related to logistics such as international transportation and warehousing. We aim to reduce logistics costs by offering products at the lowest possible prices.
Fastest sales growth
We support the provision of know-how necessary for EC, such as product photography, translation, and web seminars. We will support you financially with financial support of up to 30 million yen.
Risa Yoshioka
Kenji Tsukahara
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